Monday, March 31, 2014

Me and my ex wife have a 4 year old daughter together. We are both in new relationships and have been for atleast 2 years now. Now I pay all...


Me and my ex wife have a 4 year old daughter together. We are both in new relationships and have been for atleast 2 years now. Now I pay all the child support and see my daughter everytime I am suppossed to, but my ex doesn't do everything the custody papers say. Like I have no idea what daycare she goes to or where she takes her ballet classes at and my ex won't tell me, even though in the papers it say she has to. Now I know that obviously the best idea is to take her back to court for contempt buy here's my worry. She and her BF have a lot of money and put my daughter into a lot higher end things like her daycare cost way more than the average and same for ballet. In the custody papers is doesn't tell me to pay for half of those things it just says to pay my child support and half of her medical which I do. My worry is that if I take her to court, could they start making me pay for half of those things when I had no say so where she went or how much it should cost?


Typically, extracurricular activities are typically paid by the custodial parent who enrolls the child in those activities. However, more information would be needed to give you an answer for your particular case.

These are complex issues, and it is important that they be handled correctly. Therefore, it is important that you consult an experienced family law attorney to find out what options are available to you based on the facts of your particular case.

If you need more information, you can visit my family law blog ( or our website ( I wish you the best of luck.

Ben Stevens

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