Wednesday, March 19, 2014

I live in Texas. My husband just moved out of state. He took our three children with him for a two week visit to their grandparents, his par...


I live in Texas. My husband just moved out of state. He took our three children with him for a two week visit to their grandparents, his parents. He had taken money from a relatives purse before leaving, as well as, made an unauthorized debit card transaction. This was found out after they had left the state. Now I'm extremely worried that he will not return the children as promised. We have been separated for eight months. What can I do to ensure my kids are brought home?


Talk to an experienced family law attorney immediately.

I suspect that time is of the essence!

You need to file for divorce and ask for temporary orders. You need to file and get the case set here in Texas. You need to get something on file at the courthouse BEFORE he files somewhere else!

I suspect that he is planning on filing the state where he has moved now that he has the children in his possession. I suspect that he talked to an attorney that told him to get the kids any way that he could and then file for divorce. If he files somewhere else, then you will have a jurisdiction fight on your hands. You might win but you will end up having to hire 2 lawyers (one there & one in TX) to fight & it will cost you a lot of money.

It appears that you are in Harris County. You need to look on the website & on for an attorney immediately. You need to file for divorce pronto!

You can call me at 713-847-6000 or email me at [email protected]/* */ for a referral.

Good luck!

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