Saturday, January 25, 2014

my boyfriends parents, of which have been divorced since my boyfriend was a child, have been threatening me that they are going to take me t...


my boyfriends parents, of which have been divorced since my boyfriend was a child, have been threatening me that they are going to take me to court to get "their" grandparents rights to our 4 year old son. My boyfriend seems to be playing the fence between everyone. neither one of my boyfriends parents wanted anything to do with him, but just ask about him, in the past 4 years since he was born. Though now that he is potty trained, and basically child independent, they want to take him over-night and take him places for day on end. If they were to try to take me court for "their" grandparent rights like they keep threatening, do they have a case and get the rights they believe they are entitled to? (maryland)


In Maryland, grandparents have no visitation rights. Talk to a family law lawyer, like myself.

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