Thursday, June 19, 2014

I am finding it difficult to answer questions like: For any offense, other than a minor traffic violation, have you: a. Been convicted? b. P...


I am finding it difficult to answer questions like: For any offense, other than a minor traffic violation, have you:

a. Been convicted?

b. Pled no contest?

c. Received deferred adjudication?

d. Been given probation in lieu of sentencing?

on 8/20/13 I was arrested because I told a woman to shut the F*** up. She had illegally locked my store and I was upset. the officer roughed me up and took me to jail, couldn't tell me what I was charged with until later. At the time he said I threatened her, then he said I resisted then finally I was charged with Disorderly Conduct- Abusive language. I was given deferred adjudication and put on probation until 1/18/14. Now I feel this incident is preventing me from getting decent work. I've been putting yes, but people are so darn judgmental and may think I'm a liability.


You have not been convicted. You either pled guilty or not contest. You did receive deferred adjudication. You have been given probation.

You might try explaining what occurred at the time you answer the questions.

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