Sunday, June 22, 2014

I sold a car to someone for $1400. I didn't have the title yet so they told me they would give me $1000 and then pay the rest once I gave th...


I sold a car to someone for $1400. I didn't have the title yet so they told me they would give me $1000 and then pay the rest once I gave them the title. I've had the title for almost five months and have tried to contact them multiple times. They have my car and will not pay me for it. I have no way of finding them. What can I do?


You ma have a few options. Hold onto the title until you get full payment. Contact the Department of Revenue, to make sure that no one has tried to retitle the vehicle. (if your address changed since you last titled or licensed the vehicle, there may have been a notice sent, that you did not get.) You might also pay someone to try to find the buyer for you.

Good luck

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