Wednesday, June 18, 2014

My mother recently passed and I tried to help out her sig other as I felt she would want me to. Upon the sell of the place where they lived ...


My mother recently passed and I tried to help out her sig other as I felt she would want me to. Upon the sell of the place where they lived he in turn issued me a check for 500.00 and helped me to move to florida to start a new job. Upon getting here he has started threatening that he is hiring an attorney if I dont pay the phone bill that has all our family phones on it (in his name) and a sears bill where I was helped to get 2 tires for my car. (again in his name) and for me cashing the check. What can I do to put an end to this. I have since taken responsibility of my phone alone yet he says I have to still pay the bill. I do not see how he can legally do anything to me but yet know nothing about the law. Please help..


Not sure I understand the question. Your mother's husband, who is now the widower, says you owe money for phone bills and tires on your car? Were these gifts? Was there an agreement that you would pay them? It sounds like a small claims case that they would have to file and the likelihood of that is slim. He may have a legal right, but the Court system really does not afford any real closure. If you believe you owe the phone bill that is yours, I would suggest sending that payment to him with an accompanying letter saying that this payment is in full satisfaction of any and all claims that he believe he may have against you.

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