Friday, July 25, 2014

My mother stole my idenity and open up some accounts at some area banks in my name and took out loans at these banks and defulted on the loa...


My mother stole my idenity and open up some accounts at some area banks in my name and took out loans at these banks and defulted on the loans. These banks are now showing up on my credit report . When I decided to take her to court she passed away on Dec.8,2010 . What can I do about having this stuff remove from my account .


You can sue her estate within the time limit set out by Maryland. You have a short time to do so. The suit is not about the money, it's about getting a court judgment noting that your identity was stolen and your mother did it. Also, but now, you should have reported the identity theft to the police.

Also, you can obtain ideas on the following website --

Finally, you can dispute the reports with the credit report bureaus. This should be in writing and in accordance with the instructions noted on their sites. They have a limited time limit to resolve the matter once you dispute the reports.


4800 Hampden Lane

Suite 200

Bethesda, MD 20814


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