Wednesday, September 24, 2014

My parental rights were terminated in october after a long battle with DCF. I feel that my court appointed lawyer did not do everything in h...


My parental rights were terminated in october after a long battle with DCF. I feel that my court appointed lawyer did not do everything in her power to help me keep my rights. DCF said that I was not compliant with my case plan, even though we had done everything that was asked and never had a positive UA. I have had dozens of people tell me that I got screwed. Since my rights have been terminated my mother in law is supposed to adopt my kids. Is there anyway I can halt the adoption so I can try to get my case reopened? Please Help!


Probably not, since it doesn't sound like you appealed on time. And court-appointed dependency lawyers aren't like public defenders. If you don't like your court-appointed dependency lawyer, then you have to hire your own private attorney. You should sit down with a dependency lawyer and explain your entire case to see if that lawyer can spot something, though.

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