Friday, March 27, 2015

how can I find out if my brother is mom's legal guardian or just saying so. Since she and I share a mortage, can I legally be made to be her...


how can I find out if my brother is mom's legal guardian or just saying so. Since she and I share a mortage, can I legally be made to be her un-paid caregiver? I don't want to just because we live in the same house.

she is 85 and I am 68 her with Dementia and me with asbestosis and other lung diseases


To answer the first part of your question, a guardianship proceeding would be filed in the county where the alleged disabled person lives. Adult children should receive notice of any guardianship proceedings for their parent(s). You could contact the clerk of the circuit court for that county and/or look online to see what proceedings, if any, have been filed.

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