Saturday, March 21, 2015

If I go UA in the marine reserves, What happens? from what Ive seen/heard at drills UA marines who havnt been to drill get Admin. Seperated....


If I go UA in the marine reserves, What happens? from what Ive seen/heard at drills UA marines who havnt been to drill get Admin. Seperated. I want to just go to college for now, but i want to eventually reenlist into the army. Can I at least apply for college? what can i do? Id rather put on the uniform and wear it with pride rather than get treated/pushed around by everyone else


Going to drills does not conflict with your desire to go to college. Not sure what you mean by putting on uniform and wearing it with pride instead of being pushed around. You should be wearing with it pride now.

The difficulty of you going UA and being administratively discharged is that you may never be able to enlist again. The may code you as RE 3 or 4 which would require a waiver or never being able to enlist in any branch.

Wear your uniform with pride and finish out your enlistment. If the Marines aren't working out look at a transfer to Navy Reserve, AF reserve, Air Guard, Army Reserve, or National Guard...before you mess up any possibilities of the future ...

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