Saturday, March 21, 2015

This past saturday i was arrested at around 2am. The charges as of now are 245 assaulting a peace officer with a deadly weapon(of which is a...


This past saturday i was arrested at around 2am. The charges as of now are 245 assaulting a peace officer with a deadly weapon(of which is a complete farce, i broke a bottle on the ground and from what i recall i was in proximity of 2 couples who ran over to the cops shortly after). Also I had a very small amount of cocaine, possession of a controlled substance. I have no criminal record or violations of any kind. Im completely new to the legal system and I feel like that police officer took advantage of the situation. I never had my rights read to me, I was never afforded a phone call, and I wasnt told what I was being charged with until I had been sent upstairs on in an orange jumpsuit. My roomate was there and was also arrested, however he didnt have any drugs and the was let out at 3am with no bail or charges. I posted a $5000.00 bail and my arraignment is next tuesday. I would like to know any advice or recommendations regarding acquiring legal aid/advice on my situation.


Thre is only one piece of advice. You need a lawyer. There is nothing you can do yourself of any benefit to your case, other than hire the best lawyer you can afford. The legal system eats people alive who are unwise enough to proceed thinking they will be treated fairly. By the time you reailze the deck is stacked, against you, you may be in prison.


I agree with Mr. Fleetwood. You need an attorney and you need one immediately. You also should not be talking about your case with anyone other than your attorney. It is very important that you not talk to people about your case. This is a very serious situation and you must treat it as such. If you are unable to hire an attorney the court will ask you at your arraignment if you would like to speak with a public defender or if you would like more time to find a private attorney. If you feel that you can hire a private attorney ask the court for more time and they will probably grant you a continuance. I noticed your in the Sacramento area. My office is in Cameron Park which is just outside of Sacramento. If you would like to contact me use my email address and I can give you some information in private. Good luck

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